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Working with MySQL Server: Linux

This procedure is relevant for users who manually downloaded and installed phpMyAdmin.

This procedure describes how Unix users with root privileges can use the phpMyAdmin tool to set up their environment to work with a MySQL server.

Before following these instructions, verify that your MySQL server is installed and running. If you do not have an Internet connection, make sure you have access to the phpAyAdmin installation package.



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To extract and install phpMyAdmin:

  1. Download the package from http://www.phpmyadmin.net.

  2. Extract the package with the command tar -xzvf phpMyAdmin-2.11.7-all-languages-utf-8-only.tar.gz.

  3. Move the extracted directory to /zend/gui/lighttpd/htdocs/phpMyAdmin with the following command:
    mv <extracted dir> <install_path>/zend/gui/lighttpd/htdocs/phpMyAdmin .

  4. Change your directory using the following command: cd <install_path>/zend/gui/lighttpd/htdocs/phpMyAdmin/

  5. Create a directory called config under the phpMyAdmin directory with the following command: mkdir config.

  6. Open the phpMyAdmin Web Interface by following the link: https://localhost:10082/phpMyAdmin/scripts/setup.php .
    If you are using a different port or connecting from a remote server, replace the port number <10082> with the appropriate port number or replace <localhost> with the IP address of the remote computer.

  7. Once the phpMyAdmin setup page is open, you can start configuring it to manage your MySQL Server.


To configure phpMyAdmin to work with an existing MySQL server:

  1. In the phpMyAdmin setup page, click Add to add a MySQL server.

  2. In the Add section, configure the following parameters:
    - Server Host Name: localhost for local servers. If you are not using a local server, enter your machine's IP address.
    - Port socket path.
    Most users will not have to change any settings.

  3. In the Authentication Type drop-down, change the type to http.

  4. Click Add to add the new server and fold the display.
    A message stating that a new server was added is displayed.

  5. Go to Configuration and click Save to create a configuration file.

  6. Take the configuration file and move it to <Missing>.
    Your server has now been added and can be configured with phpMyAdmin.

Further information on using phpMyAdmin can be found in the online documentation at: https://localhost:10082/phpMyAdmin/Documentation.html.


To log in to your phpMyAdmin server, you must use your existing MySQL server user name and password (usually "root" for administrators).



Related Links

Related Links:

Working with MySQL Server: Windows

http://www.phpmyadmin.net - external link

https://localhost:10082/phpMyAdmin/Documentation.html - external link