Linux Mac: Package Setup and Control Scripts

The following section describes how to do control Zend Server components from the command line.

Controlling Zend Server Components from the Command Line

The setup and control scripts control the optional components that come with Zend Server for the DEB and RPM packages.



Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To control the Administration Interface's dedicated server, run:

# <install_path>/bin/ stop|start|restart:

To set the Administration Interface's password, run:

# <install_path>/bin/

To setup the Java Bridge, run:


To control (start/stop) the Java Bridge daemon, run:

# <install_path>/bin/  stop|start|restart


Command Line Actions

The following lists the possible actions that can be done to the Zend Server components from the command line:

Usage: <install_path>/bin/ <action>.

Zend Server

start - Start all Zend Server daemons

stop - Stop all Zend Server daemons

restart - Restart all Zend Server daemons

version - Print Zend Server version

status - Get Zend Server status


start-apache - Start Apache only

stop-apache - Stop Apache only

restart-apache - Restart Apache only


start-lighttpd - Start lighttpd only

stop-lighttpd - Stop lighttpd only

restart-lighttpd - Restart lighttpd only

Java Bridge

setup-jb - Setup Java bridge

Running will show a list of uses and only after running will the following additional options be available:

start-jb - Start Java bridge only

stop-jb - Stop Java bridge only

restart-jb - Restart Java bridge only

Zend Monitor:

start-monitor - Start Monitor node only

stop-monitor - Stop Monitor node only

restart-monitor - Restart Monitor node only


Zend Job Queue:

start-jobqueue - start jobqueue only

stop-jobqueue - stop jobqueue only

restart-jobqueue - restart jobqueue only

Controlling Zend Server from Startup

Zend Server by default is installed to start at boot time. You can, if you want to, change that, using native OS tools (using chkconfig or update-rc.d). You can even control which specific daemons are started or not when Zend Server starts - this is useful if, for example, if you are not using Job Queue and do not want this daemon to run for nothing.


The Zend Server daemons are controlled via: /usr/local/zend/bin/ which is symlinked to /etc/init.d/zend-server

Zend Server postinstall scripts call:



Related Links

Related Links:

Package Setup and Control Scripts
Windows: Package Setup and Control Scripts