Zend Job Queue - Configuration Directives

Configuration Directives Summary

Directive Type Modification Scope Description
zend_jobqueue.enable boolean PHP_INI_SYSTEM Enables the Job Queue
zend_jobqueue.daemon_connection_timeout integer PHP_INI_SYSTEM The default connection timeout to the Job Queue Daemon
zend_jobqueue.default_binding string PHP_INI_SYSTEM Default binding to the Job Queue Daemon
zend_jobqueue.log_verbosity_level integer PHP_INI_SYSTEM The log verbosity level [0-5]
zend_jobqueue.log_rotation_size integer PHP_INI_ALL The maximum size of the log file before it is rotated
zend_jobqueue.named_queues string PHP_INI_ALL This directive provides the ability to use aliases instead of bindings for Job Queue names.

Configuration Directive Details


Enables the Job Queue

Type: boolean

Default Value: 1

Available since version 5.0


The default connection timeout to the Job Queue Daemon. It can be overridden using a parameter to ZendJobQueue constructor

Type: integer

Units: seconds

Default Value: 10

Available since version 5.0


Default binding to the Job Queue Daemon. It can be overridden using a parameter to ZendJobQueue constructor

Type: string

Default Values:

Available since version 5.0


The extension's log verbosity level. Level 1 includes very important info messages, errors and warnings. Level 2 displays notices. Greater levels (up to 5) serve debug purposes only.

Type: integer

Default Value: 2

Available since version 5.0


The maximum size of the log file before it is rotated

Type: integer

Units: MBytes

Default Value: 10

Available since version 5.0


The named queue format is a list of name => binding pairs, for example <name>:<binding>;<name>:<binding>;... Names are unique and cannot be defined twice with a different value although the same binding with different aliases is accepted.

Type: string

Available since version 5.0