Working with MySQL Server: Windows

If you already have phpMyAdmin

When you install Zend Server, you can use the custom installation type and choose not to install phpMyAdmin.

If you decide to install phpMyAdmin, a separate version is installed and the existing phpMyAdmin configurations are retained. The default location is <install_dir>\phpMyAdmin. The default authentication is user: root; and without a password.

A link to this phpMyAdmin installation is added in the Zend Server dashboard.

If you already have MySQL

If you have a local installation of MySQL, it will be automatically detected during the installation process.

If you want to set phpMyAdmin to a remote MySQL server (running on a separate machine), see the phpMyAdmin online documentation.

Apache Note:

When running phpMyAdmin on Apache, the URL is case sensitive.

If you don't have anything (phpMyAdmin or MySQL)

When you install Zend Server, you can use the full or custom installation types to choose to install phpMyAdmin and MySQL.

Both phpMyAdmin and MySQL are installed on your local machine under the default location <install_dir>\phpMyAdmin and <install_dir>\MySQL.

A link to the phpMyAdmin installation is added in the Zend Server Dashboard.



Related Links

Related Links: - external link

http://localhost/phpMyAdmin/Documentation.html - external link