Zend Monitor Node Daemon - Configuration Directives

Configuration Directives Summary

Directive Type Description
zend_monitor.global_directives_ini_file string Global Directives ini File
zend_monitor.node_id string Node Id
zend_monitor.log_verbosity integer The Log's verbosity level
zend_monitor.log_rotation_size integer The maximum size of the log file before it is rotated
zend_monitor.database.type string Database Type (SQLITE, MYSQL, DB2)
zend_monitor.database.name string Name of the Database
zend_monitor.database.host_name string Hos-Name of the Database machine (server db only)
zend_monitor.database.port integer Port of the Databse (server db only)
zend_monitor.database.user string User-name to connect to the database (server db only)
zend_monitor.database.password string Password to connect to the database (server db only)
zend_monitor.events_rules_xml_file_name string Events Rules XML File Name. For the full path, concatenate it with zend.conf_dir value
zend_monitor.smtp_server string SMTP server
zend_monitor.smtp_port integer SMTP Port
zend_monitor.sendmail_from string Send Mail From email Address
zend_monitor.gui_host_name string Host name (and port) of the Zend Server GUI
zend_monitor.max_events_queue_size integer Maximum size of the Events Queue (in MB)
zend_monitor.queue_flush_interval integer Number of event reports to cache before flusing them into the database
zend_monitor.gui_default_emails string A semicolon separated list of email addresses which serves as the default list for events
zend_monitor.persistent_smtp boolean Use a persistent connection to the SMTP server

Configuration Directive Details


The .ini file that contains the global directives, as defined in ZendGlobalDirectiveDD.xml

Type: string


Available since version 4.0


The Node Id

Type: string

Default Value: 1

Available since version 4.0


The Log's verbosity level

Type: integer

Default Value: 2

Available since version 4.0


The maximum size of the log file before it is rotated

Type: integer

Units: MBytes

Default Value: 10

Available since version 4.0


The type of the database to be used. Choose from the following values: SQLIE, MYSQL, DB2

Type: string

Default Value: SQLITE

Available since version 4.0


The name of the Database. SQLITE: file-name, MYSQL: schema-name

Type: string

Default Value: monitor

Available since version 4.0


The host-name of the Database machine. SQLITE: N/A, MYSQL: machine-name/ip

Type: string

Available since version 4.0


The port, in-which teh Database is listening on. SQLITE: N/A, MYSQL: port

Type: integer

Default Value: 3306

Available since version 4.0


The user-name to connect to the DB. SQLITE: N/A, MYSQL: machine-name/ip

Type: string

Available since version 4.0


The password to connect to the DB. SQLITE: N/A, MYSQL: machine-name/ip

Type: string

Available since version 4.0


The name of the file that contains the XML for the Events Rules and Actions

Type: string

Default Value: events_rules.xml

Available since version 4.0


The SMTP server to use to send event mails

Type: string

Available since version 4.0


The SMTP Port that the SMTP server uses to send event mails

Type: integer

Default Value: 25

Available since version 4.0


An email address to be used as the 'from mail' for Event mails

Type: string

Available since version 4.0


This host name is used to build a link to an issue when the user is notified of the issue

Type: string

Available since version 4.0


The maximum size of the Received Events queue (MB). If events are received beyond the maximum size, the incoming events are dropped out

Type: integer

Units: MBytes

Default Value: 5

Available since version 4.0


Number of event reports to cache before flusing them into the database

Type: integer

Default Value: 1

Available since version 5.0


A semicolon separated list of email addresses which serves as the default list for events

Type: string

Available since version 4.0


Use a persistent connection to the SMTP server

Type: boolean

Default Value: 0

Available since version 4.0