Edit Rule (Caching)

The Edit Rule page is accessed from Rule Management | Caching, by clicking new_rule_button__caching.png or by clicking Edit next to a specific rule.


Caching Information

Rule Name - The unique name you give the rule. This name appears in the list in Rule Management | Caching.

Caching Conditions

Define a Web page to cache by building the URL in the entry fields. Use the URL of the page you want to cache and define how long to cache the page and the caching format.

You can also add conditions that can further pinpoint what to cache. You can choose to cache when "all of the following are true" - i.e. all the conditions occur or when "at least one is true" - i.e. trigger caching when at least one of the conditions occur.

The conditions that can be applied to a rule are:


You can only cache URLs that display static content with a long rendering time or dynamic content that you want to display statically according to time/parameters.

Multiple Versions of Cached Pages

Duration of Caching

Define the cache's lifetime


For more information and rule examples see: Working with Page Caching.


URL caching conditions can be defined using Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions (PCRE). The pattern syntax is the same as the syntax used by PHP's preg_match() and other preg_* functions. For more information on the PCRE syntax, see http://devzone.zend.com/manual/reference.pcre.pattern.syntax.html.



Related Links

Related Links:

Working with Page Caching 

Regular Expression Reference Information - External Link